Private money lenders from offer a valuable service to real estate investors who are looking to finance deals which would otherwise be difficult. They are not as burdened with regulatory requirements as traditional lenders, and they focus more on a property’s value than the borrower’s history. Private money lenders[…]
Competitive intelligence is much more than the cliche of “knowing your enemy”. CI from Aqute Intelligence gathers insights and information to help businesses improve their short-term decisions. It’s also about identifying opportunities for business growth or expansion that you may have missed before. CI is primarily gathered from competitors’ websites,[…]
Promotional products are items that can be branded with a company logo, and distributed to customers or potential customers at very low costs. They are used for several purposes, including brand promotion, company identity and event marketing. These items are also known by the terms “swag” and “freebies”. These items[…]
Unlocking your cell phone using is a good option if you are looking to switch carriers or if you simply want to keep your old phone. However, there are a number of factors to consider. It is important to know how your current carrier handles unlocking. Many cell phone[…]